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CEO’s Message to the Fajr Train Crew

Raja Zia ul Haq, CEO of Youth Club, has sent you a message!

My dear brothers & sisters in Islam,

Assalaam o’Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatu! 

Masha’Allah what an honor it is that our Fajr Train has finally reached its destination after forty days, in the blessed month of Ramadan. And like the cheerful flight attendant would say, “I sincerely hope you had a pleasant journey with us!” 🙂

A big thank you and jazakum’Allahu khayrn firstly to the brothers and sisters from Youth Club who helped to bring this project together and masha’Allah saw it through till the end. You guys know who you are, I have no words but can only pray that may Allah increase you in darajaat and may He be well pleased with your efforts! Seriously!

A massive congratulations to all the winner groups who stuck to their guns all the way! Alhamdulillah, if you successfully woke up for Fajr or struggled hard to do so, you are ALL winners in-sha’Allah in the sight of Allah. Keep up the good work! You know this is not the end, rather this is just the beginning. I would encourage the groups to stay in touch with each other, meet for chai/coffee etc. regularly (since, believe it or not, each of your group members lives very close to you, maybe even in your neighborhood).

Allah (SWT) tells us in the Glorious Qur’an:

 “And keep yourself patiently with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the worldly life…” [al-Kahf 18:28]

The Prophet (SAW) said:

“A person is on the religion of his friend. Therefore let every one of you carefully consider the company he keeps.” [Tirmidhi]

I hope that this experience results in good friendships being made for the sake of Allah – so that we too may find refuge under the shade of Allah’s throne, on a Day when there will no other shade except that.

Keep the Youth Club team in your duaas and do stay in touch with us. And remember that at the end, alarm clocks are just the means, what really wakes you up for Fajr is your emaan!

May Allah always keep our hearts filled with emaan and may He grant us the taufeeq to do the things that please Him.

Jazakum’Allahu khayrn!

(It’s been emotional…*sniff*)


Come join us as we celebrate the success of this event this Sunday, July 21st inshaAllah. Details here:

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