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Chapter 28: The Waning Dusk (series)

haramMyth: Let the “Haraam” game begin

O Prophet, why do you ban (on your self) something that Allah has made lawful for you, seeking to please your wives? And Allah is Most-Forgiving, Very-Merciful. (66:1)

Though the story behind this verse is different, the gist is the same– declaring something haraam upon yourself when it might not be. People, in particular Facebook users, have a lot of time on their hands. There’s some sort of “this-brand-is-haraam campaign” going on over Facebook, usually flaunted by low-res, shoddily photoshopped images of widely-consumed products telling people to freeze chewing candies midway.


Before you are compelled by your moral obligation to hit ‘Share’ just because the picture has haraam written on it– stop. Just pause for a moment and do your own research. It does not befit an educated Muslim to fuel a rumor mill without verifying sensitive information before spreading panic and mass hysteria all over the place. It is the position of the scholars and relevant organisations to give their stamp of approval or disapproval. Run your info through them. When you are done with your background check, list your sources and cite your references if indeed something is haraam and not in common knowledge. Make your information easily verifiable and authentic with sound proofs instead of a hybrid between spam and baseless E-911 jargon.

That said, happy sharing. Stuff could be halal or haraam for all we know. But on principle– verify it before freaking out.

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