I am consumed these days
Thinking about you
Crying for you
Making dua for you
I have never met you
Never seen you
Never spoken to you
Yet … when I hold a glass of water
A loaf of bread
See my house
Look at the roads
The life
The hustle and bustle
I see you!
I wish I was with you.
I wish I could give it all to you.
I wish I was there with you in the battlefield
Holding the crying babies
Consoling the old
Being there in the hospital
Helping doctors
The medics
Or taking kids out of the rubble
I wish I could go and live in Gaza
But I know I can’t I know I won’t
But you will continue to live …
Continue to struggle
Continue to resist
Because you are the chosen ones by Allah
He chose you over us
Because He knows we are weak
We will not be able to hold
We might get scared
We might not smile and probably say
Hasbunallahu Wa Ni’mal Wakeel –
حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَ نِعْمَ الْوَ كِيلُ
in difficult times!
We might not be patient
But you are …
I wish I hope I pray
We all become as resilient
As courageous
As brave as you are
But for now – we can only stay where we are and
Look at you
With Pride
With honour
Your beaming eyes
Your wide smiles
Your victory signs
Holding your flags
Holding our religion high
Yes your tawakkul succeeds
Shows how you can smell the musk and not we!
Because you are the chosen ones So my dear Palestinians
Pray for us – so we may heal!