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#TRENDING: How Are Trends Actually Ruining Your Life?

‘Do you know Sarah got the new Stanley Cup? My goodness, it’s my dream to have one someday!’

‘Oh, don’t tell me you’ve never heard of wrinkle-free straws. Do you live under a rock?!’

‘Fast fashion is the only solution for today’s times. I only buy my clothes from Shein.’

I wonder if these statements ring any bells—though I’m sure they do. What a world we live in, where topics like these manage to captivate our attention.

So, let’s dive into the world of social media trends. To say it’s a black hole is an understatement; once you fall into it, there’s hardly a way out. But humans are capable of anything, so let’s focus our energies on the right things.

What are trends? Anything that is repeatedly fed to us via these social media platforms morphs into a giant beast known as a Trend. And if you want to survive in today’s world, you need to know the latest trends (well, not really—we’ll discuss that later!).

But What Harm Can These Harmless Trends Do to Me?

They may seem harmless because they’re fed to us in bits and pieces. Do you remember when you were asked to finish your meal as a child, but the full plate of food seemed too overwhelming? Then, your parents played the game of “only 5 bites,” and most of the time, you ended up finishing the whole plate.

It’s because the idea of small bites didn’t seem dangerous. The same principle applies to trends; it’s the gradual alteration of the brain to collective ideas.

Let’s explore the harm they can pose:

I want to be like them!: With these trends, everyone wants to be the same. They all desire that same bottle, that same high-end bag, and that same skincare routine from an influencer-approved brand. Where is the uniqueness? It seems to be fading away, both as individuals and as creators.

I feel so stressed: It’s a rat race, and if you find yourself lagging behind, you have to contend with peer pressure. The pressure can be so intense that it leads to serious issues like depression and even suicide.

What do I have to be grateful for?: Gratefulness is the virtue of a happy and contented life, but with this pressure of trends, there is no space to be grateful. Why? Because as soon as you get your hands on that trendy object, the new one is there.

Ah, my budget always overruns: Trends are a major reason for overspending and overconsumption. Every seemingly aesthetic thing is marketed as a necessity, leaving no room for the management of finances.

I feel like I don’t have any purpose: When you’re deeply immersed in this competitive race and dealing with constant pressure, finding time to connect with yourself and focus on your goals becomes challenging. Initially, it might not seem like a big deal, but over time, it can lead to regrets—one of the hardest things to cope with.

Okay, I Got They are Harmful – How Do I Find the Way Out?

I am glad we are on the same page about the trends now. So, let’s focus on finding a way out of this black hole.

Make Dua for Yourself

It’s the easiest, yet the most profound way to escape this matrix of trends. Ask Allah (SWT) to ease His path for you and help you navigate this psychological pandemic. 

Allah (SWT) says:

Your Lord has proclaimed, “Call upon Me, I will respond to you. Surely those who are too proud to worship Me will enter Hell, fully humbled.”” [Quran 40:60]

Therefore, before beginning, ask Him and He will help ease the process for you. 

Aim for Controlled Consumption

These few-second reels and short videos reduce our attention span. Therefore, set a social media time limit for yourself. Completely eliminating social media is easier said than done because it is addictive. So, aim for consistently reduced consumption, and you will achieve your goal!

You can use apps like Screen Time, Stay Free, and Block Apps & Sites | Wellbeing to set usage limits for your applications.

Maintain a To-Consider List

Create a To-Consider list in your Notes. Every time you see something trendy on social media and feel the urge to buy it, add it to your To-Consider list and resist looking at it for at least 7 days. After 7 days, revisit your list and see if you still feel the need to purchase the item. In most cases, you will find that you no longer want it, as the initial emotional impulse has faded and you can make a more logical decision.

Also remember, Allah (SWT) doesn’t like overspending as mentioned:

Do not be so tight-fisted, for you will be blameworthy; nor so open-handed, for you will end up in poverty.” [Quran 17:29]

Therefore, make the decisions that please Allah (SWT) and not the people. 

Find Hobbies and Connect with Communities

Find productive and fun hobbies to keep yourself busy and not fall into this endless scrolling. Reading, journalling, baking, cooking, painting, and the list goes on. Anything that makes you happy and helps you learn something qualifies for this list. Additionally, connect with communities that can help you grow. Having a good network of connections is a great way to change your lifestyle and approaches. 

Practice Gratefulness

Allah (SWT) says: 

And ˹remember˺ when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more. But if you are ungrateful, surely My punishment is severe.’” [Quran 14:7]

Therefore, practice gratitude and you will see wonders happening to your life. Some of the easiest ways can be:

Before sleeping, write down three things you’re grateful for the day.

Maintain a gratitude jar and add a sticky note with one thing you’re grateful for. Watch it fill up with each passing day.

Offer two extra units of Salah (prayer) with any of the five Salah(s) (prayers) of the day to offer thanks to Allah (SWT) for all His blessings. 

With these steps, you can definitely help yourself out of this dark hole of trends. Remember, no one can help you if you don’t help yourself. Therefore, take action and help yourself out of this. You’re alive and breathing because Allah (SWT) wants you to fulfil your purpose instead of dwelling on such unproductive and time-wasting activities.

May Allah (SWT) ease His path for all of us (Ameen).

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