Yesterday, as I was about to start my Isha prayers, something happened. “What is this time to turn off the electricity?” I uttered in frustration. I lit up a #candle and stood for prayers.
As I began praying, mindless #thoughts crept into my mind, “Ah, I wish it hadn’t happened, and I’d have my Ramadan ibadah time in comfort.” Ignoring these thoughts, I refocused my attention to prayer and completed my fardh rakahs.
Alhamdulillah, the light came back within 15 minutes afterward, and I felt a sense of relief and gratefulness.
At midnight, like every day, I reflected back on my day. This particular “no electricity” time frame stood out, and something hit me – a realisation of a different sort.
I felt a sense of frustration because there was a power breakdown for 15 minutes. What about our brothers and sisters in #Palestine who’ve been praying all along with no food in their stomachs, no shelter over their heads, gravel ground under their feet, “let alone electricity”. Allah Ho Akbar!
I felt a lump in my throat; a sense of extreme guilt surrounded me. After a few minutes of #deep pause, I realised how blessed I am with just the perfect conditions to carry out my ibadahs Alhamdulillah.
I reminded myself of how immensely grateful one should be. Worshipping Allah (SWT) in the best of circumstances – with all our beautiful houses, cozy prayer areas and the nourishing foods in our stomachs is one thing.
And doing it when you’ve been starving to death, with the sounds of bombs surrounding your head, gravels cutting under your feet, and a heart tearing apart into shreds, is something leagues apart!
Yet, we complain about our petty discomforts and minutest nonsensical problems.
God forbid, if we are put in similar circumstances like #Gaza, would our Imaan be of the same level? It’s a question we all should ask ourselves.
May Allah (SWT) bless us with an imaan like our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Ameen.
Read our latest posts: Ramadan Reflections: Finding Calm through Allah (SWT)’s Perfect Attributes, Ramadan Reflections: Picking Myself Back Up!, Ramadan Reflections: Feeling a Sense of Gratitude, Ramadan Reflections: One Ummah. One Body.