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Winners of #LifeAsAMuslim!

First, let us give a huge round of applause for those who participated in our first ever Instagram photo contest and helped make it a success!!!

For those who don’t know how we went about it, here is a brief recap:

1- Only original photos were considered

2- Photo must have been relevant to the theme and the caption must have mentioned #LifeAsAMuslim. Descriptive captions were accepted.

3- @YouthClubPk was tagged to make sure the post isn’t missed.

4- Instagram account of the participant must have been made public for us to view the post.

5- In case the photo featured humans, appropriate Islamic dressing was to be observed.

6- Offensive, obscene or inappropriate images were disqualified.

We had such heart-warming entries that it was extremely difficult task to choose the best 3! But without further a due, here we go:

1ST Place: Adnan Wahab (@addyelnino9) unnamed

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He will be contacted and awarded one of our beautiful YC mugs in sha Allah!Untitled.png2

1st Runner Up: @rizmi9

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2nd Runner Up: @restless__soul

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Did you miss this contest? No worries, follow ‘youthclubpk’ on Instagram and stay tuned for our next one!

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